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                Professional manufacturer of water cutting equipment.
                National hotline:
                HEZHAN·Processing strength
                We support the customization of drawings and samples of various specifications / materials / patterns / patterns
                Nanjing Hezhan Precision Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in R & D and production of water cutting equipment. After ten years of innovative development of water jet technology, with a production base covering an area of 40 mu, professional water jet technical talents and a team of senior water jet technology experts and professors, the company closely follows the international cutting-edge water jet technology, and closely cooperates with world-famous water jet experts such as doctors studying in the United States, domestic well-known experts, domestic well-known oil fields and domestic 211 universities, We have developed and produced a series of equipment with high efficiency, good quality and stable performance. Many technologies are in the leading position in China, especially in metal, glass, stone...
                News information
                Nanjing Hezhan Precision Technology Co., Ltd

                南京合展精密技术有限公司是一家专业从事“超高压数控水射流切割机”研究、生产、销售及售后服务为- -体的具有国际先进切割水平的的高新技术企业。
